Wolf Moon Rising — The Week on APN — Jan. 23-29

As January comes to a close, we are treated to the first full moon of 2021 — the Wolf Moon — named so for the nightly howling often heard at this time of year.

Perhaps it's just that there are more dogs in the neighbourhood, but we're really feeling the full moon's effects these days. It's enough to inspire your own howling session. Take an evening stroll with this week's new pods from the pack at APN and howl along in your own way. 

APN Jan. 23-29, 2021.jpg

The “subscribe” button on any of the Listen Notes playlists will let you grab a playlist for your podcatcher. Sample the shows below, or check out the full week’s roundup on Spotify.


Senator Paula Simons chats with The Daveberta Podcast about her new season of Alberta Unbound, and Mike Morrison of Mike’s Bloggity Blog visits anticulture with Josiah Sinanan.

There’s more in store this week from Press Start to Join, Eat More Barbecue, Mess Hall Podcast, and Speaking Municipally.


Tight Ends tackles wide receivers, Super Bowl picks, and a new drinking game (warning: WandaVision spoilers included), and Loyal Company of the River Valley chats with guest Jeff Paulus on his recent shift from head coach to manager of player development for FC Edmonton.


Bollywood is For Lovers offers a look back at the films they watched in the latter half of 2020, the team at I Don’t Get It rings in the new year with Northern Light Theatre’s The Look, and Putting it Together continues its romp through A Little Night Music with Colm Molloy and “A Weekend in the Country.”

And there’s more from My View Finder, I Have Some Notes, Kyle & Dave vs the Machine, and The Read-Along.


Cross-polliNation chats with Natalie Vardabasso of the EduCrush podcast on innovation in education, and Healthy Lifestyle Design stares down the darkest days of the year with a discussion on pandemic fatigue.

Plus, Ed - Conversations About the Teaching Life talks politics with Stephen Anderson, and we get a COVID diary update from Kyle on Creative Block.


All of this is possible because of our sponsors and partners in the Alberta community.

ECF helps the community give, grow, and transform. Find out how. And don't miss The Well Endowed Podcast.
ATB is a proud sponsor of the Alberta Podcast Network. Why? Because ATB listens. Learn how ATB makes banking work for you at atb.com
Park Power is a provider of natural gas and electricity in Alberta that shares its profits with awesome local non-profits. It's a great follow on Instagram!
Mentoring and afterschool programs change lives. Our charity matches kids to volunteers and programs to help them reach their full potential.
Edmonton is full of passionate people dedicated to building a vibrant community. This podcast from the Edmonton Community Foundation explores their impact. 
For Community, Forever. Each year, Calgary Foundation flows millions of dollars to every corner of the community, supporting causes as myriad as the city's population.

This special nine-part series tells the story of Izena Ross and the 30 women who have served on Edmonton's City Council over the past 100 years.

Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s Chief Economist, connects with special guests who offer unique and useful perspectives about the future. 
Have a podcast to promote or a product or service to sell? We can help. Becoming an APN sponsor can help you reach your target audience. 
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