What's up on APN — March 7-13


Tune in to this past week’s podcast episodes from our members and affiliates, rounded up into playlists so you can choose the topic that appeals to you. The “subscribe” button will let you grab a playlist for your podcatcher. Or, you can sample the shows below.


Calgary Culture: The Perspectives YYC Podcast learns about evolutionary computing with programmer and educator Sasha Ivanov. The Daveberta Podcast discusses Alberta’s supervised consumption clinics with Dr. Elaine Hyshka, assistant professor at the U of A School of Public Health. Eat More Barbecue chats with Stephanie and Jamie Parker of Smoke Show BBQ YYC. I Don’t Get It hits the hot tub at the Nests For the End of the World exhibit at the Art Gallery of Alberta, takes in a performance of Girl in the Machine at the Telus World of Science, and watches the dance documentary Cunningham at the Metro Cinema. On Ed - Conversation on the Teaching Life, Shane talks with Devon teacher Kim Edmondson about the influence of the #metoo movement on how we think about gender, power, and social norms. Cross-polliNation shares Part 2 of a discussion on transitioning away from an oilfield job. ICYMI, here is Part 1. It’s a Conspiracy! looks at some of the traditions surrounding St. Patrick’s Day, live from Fionn MacCool’s. And Speaking Municipally talks COVID-19, speed limits, and regional transit.


A lot has happened on the sports front since these episodes were recorded, as most major leagues have cancelled or postponed their seasons to try to help contain COVID-19. On Tight Ends, Vanda Favaro discusses the NFL Combine with Nick from the What is Sports? podcast; they also got into March Madness, before the NCAA basketball tournament was cancelled. The NHL season still seemed to be going ahead when The 4th Line and Hockey Feels recorded — that’s changed, but there’s still some interesting hockey talk. Loyal Company of the River Valley discusses some former FC Edmonton player news and the effects of the COVID-19 virus on soccer worldwide. And, relatively immune from all of this, Ryan Ballantine of the CFL Horsemen plays the heel in a most entertaining fashion on the Eskimo Empire Podcast.


Putting it Together and guest Adrianna Boris break down “Poor Baby” and “Tick Tock” from the musical Company. The Read-Along starts a new book — Perfect Little Children by Sophie Hannah. The machine makes our movie-watching heroes take in Cruel Intentions on Kyle and Dave vs The Machine. And Press Start to Join interviews The Cardboard Kid and Darling Miss Nyx, fellow nominees for the Alberta Design and Game Awards!


The Emergency Preparedness in Canada (EPIC) Podcast looks at gender, disaster management, and the links between the two with Alex Valoroso. A Branded World focuses on the brand management behind the Harlem Globetrotters with Brent Baldwin, head of brand marketing. Healthy Lifestyle Design discusses the mechanisms present in observing Lent. The Mess Hall Podcast gets into green foods in honour of St. Paddy’s Day.


All of this is possible because of our founding sponsor, ATB Financial, and our other sponsors and partners.


ATB is the founding sponsor of the Alberta Podcast Network. Why? Because ATB listens. Learn how ATB makes banking work for you at atb.com
ECF helps the community give, grow, and transform. Find out how. And don't miss The Well Endowed Podcast.
Choose Park Power, a provider of natural gas and electricity in Alberta that shares its profits with awesome local non-profits. It's a great follow on Instagram!
Alberta Innovates brings inventors, investors and thought leaders together June 3-5 in Calgary to discover and share the latest in innovation.
Check out Winter City Edmonton's podcast about enjoying winter through outdoor activities, urban design, business and culture. 
The Loop is your guide to the ins and outs of Edmonton. Tara McCarthy takes you behind the stories from the CBC Edmonton newsroom.  
Unit B is a multi-company coworking space focused on helping people pursue their passions and making Edmonton its creative best. Book a tour.
Satisfy your curiosity and save time with Taproot Edmonton. Subscribe to roundups of local information on various topics, and read original stories.
Looking for tickets to a big game, concert or other fun? Buy tickets in Canadian funds from Seat Giant. Use the offer code apn to get 5% off.
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