Tune in to this past week’s podcast episodes from our members and affiliates, rounded up into playlists so you can choose the topic that appeals to you. The “subscribe” button will let you grab a playlist for your podcatcher. Or, you can sample the shows below.
Speaking Municipally explores free transit and whether climate action is a reason for it. Creative Block chats with two performers from Calgary’s improvised soap opera, Dirty Laundry. The Well Endowed Podcast takes a tour of Edmonton’s Garneau Theatre with Chris Chang-Yen Phillips, and shares a couple of inspiring donor stories. I Don’t Get It takes in the Good Women Dance Collective’s showcase featuring Cheers and Tears: A Journey into Whiteness and Ruminate.
City of Champions shares a chat with Mindable founder Daniel Matishak. Hear about the dark world of human trafficking in Calgary and beyond on anticulture with Josiah Sinanan. The Daveberta Podcast shares host Dave Cournoyer’s presentation with David Climenhaga at the recent Parkland Institute conference. Eat More Barbecue learns about the Rollin’ Smoke BBQ Co.’s big old smoker.
Get ready for the Grey Cup with the audio from the 2 and Out CFL Podcast’s live show, and head back to their recap of the division finals if you want even more. The Eskimo Empire Podcast breaks down the Esks' playoff exit and sets up Grey Cup week. German Villegas of Modern Manhood joins Vanda on the Tight Ends Podcast to discuss Don Cherry and Colin Kaepernick. Hockey Feels talks high scorers, and The 4th Line Podcast shares their awe of Dan Gable’s cheese sculpture. Loyal Company of the River Valley recaps the 2019 season and sifts through the roster player by player.
Metro Cinema Presents... Close-Up! shares December’s film lineup and an interview with the curator of Metro’s new “7 Deadly Sins” series. Makeshift Stories finds our hero Ken Likeley in a catfishing scam with galactic consequences. Putting it Together explores Evening Primrose, a Sondheim foray into TV, with podcaster Erik Stadnik. Press Start to Join dives into flip phones and Disney+. And The Read-Along discusses the prelude to their latest reading adventure, The Municipalists by Seth Fried.
Ed - Conversations About the Teaching Life talks with Jennie Magiera: classroom teacher, district administrator, author, instructional coach, and founder of the non-profit organization Our Voice Alliance. Girl Tries Life shares advice on recognizing good stress, and an informative interview with Brittney Pickett, co-founder of Glass Cliff Divas. Healthy Lifestyle Design goes deep on sugar, while the Mess Hall Podcast taste-tests 17 types of Kit Kat chocolate bars! This is Adulting looks back at their first year of podcasting together.
All of this is possible because of our founding sponsor, ATB Financial, and our other sponsors and partners.